Friday, 21 November 2014

A smile is the curve that sets things straight

 When Arthur was born premature, my concern was if hes growing well  and mentally. I observed his every reactions especially if hes able to smile and react to us . I wasnt aware of his spiritual growth for sure. Until recently, I am aware of how important his spiritual growth as well as his happiness. If I could wish for one thing in my motherhood journey, I wish for my children's happiness. 
Often, adults ask "can your child turn" " Can your child speak"  " What he eat" " Which school he go" " What is his hobby" " Is he married" " How much does he earn" and etc but seldom adults ask IS YOUR CHILD HAPPY ?   How come seldom ask that ? Happiness is not important ?  
Childhood, whose very happiness is love. In reality, we tend to arrange our children's future . Therefore we hope they could be successful in their studies so that they can get a good job then have a good life so they can be happy. However, is this the true happiness? Always children feel stress from parent's expectation. 

Babies are happy right ?

First was me then the others all baby arthur hehe. how come the older we get the sadder we are ? Its because the environment . Therefore its important to give our children a healthy and happy family. Respect and honor them. Listen to their heart and think before we react. Understand deeper what they truly want and help them in achieving their goals. 
Theres so much more to learn in this journey. And I welcome all the experiences coming to me. 


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