Friday, 6 January 2012

Hello Beautiful People

Rain cleans the sky so I woke up with fresh air . While I was driving , I look to the sky again. The clouds really give away to the light of the sun.  So now I have a clearer view. What did I see?
Beautiful People !!!! Human are so cute and perfect. We are created to have emotions and feelings. We are born to serve and contribute and help. Just a view after rain my day been brighten up. Such a perfect weather. I wana shout out loud that I love you all and Thank God Im seeing all this special creation with my beautiful and healthy eyes and feel the environment with my lovely heart.

With such a peaceful scene, I remember of a post that been shared in a group by Paulo Coelho. This is what he shared  :The path begins with a crossroads. There you can stop and think what direction to follow. But don’t spend too much time thinking or you’ll never leave the spot. Once you have taken the first step, forget the crossroads forever or you will always torture yourself with the useless question: “did I take the right path?”
Immediately I was GOSH  Thats what I always facing. I always doubt about all my decisions as I worry I might miss out the best. Well once decision been made Just move on !!! Even u got the wrong choice, so what, theres always a way.

Then I got so energetic again as I heard one of my favourite song from a local radio channel.

Enjoy the rest of your day till the fullest my dear friends. Theres always sunshine after the rain and theres always hope. Never give up coz we are the best !!!


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