Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Rabbit At WaterFront Brunei Darussalam

Last Sunday , I went to Brunei WaterFront to witness the Go-Kart Competition. A really hot and great exprience. I dun really go for outdoor activities but it was fun watching the racers working hard for the competition. I was standing aside trying to capture the best shoot. Macam fail but still I wana show you all  my "artwork"

 How does it really feel to be in the car? Must be so excited and Im sure my heart beat will increase. Hope one day rabbit has the chance. I tried to note down the winner's name for the first category but I cant even spell it properly. To avoid any misunderstanding i better dun "cincai" write. Most audience were males. Sometimes I wonder why male like cars, wrestling while females like fashion, beauty stuff. I understand why we love beauty but dun really understand whats in male's mind when they watch football, car race and etc. That might be an interesting thing for me to study or survey.
Before the second category of the Go-Kart, I went to the other side to see modified cars. I bet guys would love it. I was ok ok when I passed thro those cars but of course i wont miss out the chance to grab pics to post in my blog.

If you like car modifying and you are going for fast and furious feel, this might be the right place for you to visit in Brunei for this weekend. Not really a huge collection of modified cars but "cukup makan"

    Not bad to see all these modified cars. They really put alot of effort in their own interest. You should drop by WaterFront to have a look. Hope the cars are still there.
    After this, you may go into the building to check out Brunei Art Forum. If you like art, im sure you will enjoy the exhibit. Too bad I dislike art and almost hate it. I still remember how my parents forced me to draw for almost  years. Terrible experience and nightmares. Im glad Im free.  surpringsly I went for an art class two months ago lol. I should actually share my experience on that particular class in future. hehehe.
    calicature for just B$10 each. Cheap and def worth it.
    I used to draw alot of these type of drwings but never good in it.
    Nasi Katok by Mr. Sayifuddin. He suppose to be there to demo for hes art. Interesting title !!
    Share. Recycle. Art Piece.
    The purpose is to create the awareness of your creativity and your talent. Everyone is special and unique and we are all talented.
    Its a creat'art'ive tree
    Nice Drawing of Angelina Jolie.
    Sam Siren - Installation. The Strings represent the flow of each lives. Each colour presents different meaning. This is new.
    How cn be  a guy as cute as him?
    If you cant find any place to spend during this weekend maybe u may drop by waterfront. Brunei is never a boring place coz on going activities everywhere. I really enjoy every moment I spend here.


A A said...

gambaran aktifity yang oke...

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