Friday, 1 February 2013


Wow!! Today is the first day of 2013 Feb. Everything seems so fast yet slow. How was my January? It was super meaningful and I had so much awareness. I spent most of my time in Ho Chi Minh and if your close enough to me, I bet you know that I was going through a really " upsetting" moment for not knowing whats wrong with me and I didnt feel like doing anything beside working and sleeping when I was in the Saigon City. Then only I am aware of the why !! I have been staying in a super comfort zone and its super easy for me to shout out loud Today Is My Best Day!! and switch my energy by going to beach, by going to a fine dining, by talking to empower friends. What happen if you are born knowing you have no control of you life? What happen if you are born in a polluted city? What happen if you are born starving? What happen if you do not know whats happiness? I felt no control of my emotions few weeks before ( well probably u wont really see it :p but I did feel it) reason was because I forgot to feed my soul. Life is totally unbalance if you lost either work, relationship, family and contribution. Past January taught to be to be really appreciating my life including the fresh air I am breathing in everyday. Dun see people but feel them. Deeply connect to each and everyone that I deal with everyday. Its not easy esp to your past partner and someone you wish to start a relationship with. 
In addition, CR learn not to judge. We all judge alot * subcontiously*. The moment you talk negative about someone, you are actually judging him. Why do you do so ? Because you don't know him or her . We tend to create our own stories base on what we see. We forget to feel!! I definitely do that often!! NO matter how nice and how friendly and how aware you are, we have the tendency to do so. So CR!! Before you judge, pause !!! Think!!! and Love!!! This is a challenge and task for me this year. 
Oh yeah I am currently at Ho Chi Minh Airport heading to Sg ofis to meet my lovely colleagues. okay they are definitely more than colleagues. The bonding is so strong that you all are like my family. Seriously, I learn so much from each and everyone of you. 
Well, mostly is quite concern about my relationship probably coz I always say " I wish to marry by the age of 30th or I think I will marry by this age" Ok!! Let me rephrase!!! I wish to marry but to someone who I love unconditionally, someone who we can empower each other and accept each other flaws. Not only romance but empower. I have faith in myself for sure. It doesn't matter if I am single because I strongly believe to start a relationship first, I have to love myself and know what I wan and be contended to my life. 
CR committed to few things year 2013 but mainly is to continue what I have been doing since year 2012. To contribute, to work passionately, to love my life, to spend more times with my family, to skype parents everyday, to massage my face daily, take care my body and my soul .. In conclusion.. to love....
Have I told you lately that I love you.... If I don't... Remember... I do :)


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