Monday, 1 December 2014

A housewife's Good day

Most of my days are good. So hw I consider it as a  good day? Very Easy. Lets start from the day before

7pm Arthur sleeps

Next Day
6am Arthur wakes up

630am Sleep after feeding and changing lampin

730am Feed Arthur breakfast and he finishes all ( a soup bowl )

745am Housework time

9am  Shower and Feed Baby Arthur

930am My free time which is blogging and fbking and praying and reading and on the phone

11am Arthur wakes up . change him we go breakfast drinks

1pm Arthur feeding time then sleep

110pm My free time again

3pm  Baby Arthur wakes up and entertaining time for him ( I am the performer of course)

4pm Baby Arthur wakes up and no more nap till night time long nap. This is the time he has to finish his dinner

5pm Another performance for this little boss

6pm Shower time

630pm feeding time then sleeping time

7pm My world now hahaha  + prayer + phone call with husband

9pm I gona stop all my activities and have a good night sleep

So thats a good day for me. If any part dun go well, please dun near me because I might gone crazy already haha..

Hows ur day ? Sometimes we forget simplicity is the best in our life and we dun even remember whens the last time we sleep and eat well and have a happy day.


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