Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Our mindset determines our destiny

"Your intention determines your destiny and your mindset determines your success or failure in life. Our states of mind chart the course of our fate and determine the direction we are heading to. Yet we are totally oblivious to this fact. Sometimes we are aware of the end result but fail to understand its underlying cause. We even cling to fallacies, thinking that these are truths. If we hold a negative outlook on life, our intention cannot be noble either. As such, it is difficult for us to subdue evil with good. If you are unclear about your outlook on life, you will get very confused. You will find yourself drifting aimlessly in a daze, and end up feeling thoroughly lost in life". Quoted from "Tzu Chi in perspective " pg 44. 

That's why rabbit always be mindful with her thoughts. You know before I landed Sg I set my intention that I must get a room at the very first day. Of course no pressure just hope for the best. Then surprisingly I was happy with the first room that I visited then I moved in immediately. 

FYI both my sister and brother involve alot especially in charity work and I always think that I dun really contribute much. So I set an intention that I must serve as much as I can when I am in Sg. And now I am part of them. I dedicate my every Sundays for charity work unless there is no activities. Life is really short and I do hope that I am able to help as much as I can. 

At the same time I told myself that I must go for CV4 and Ill try to save up as much as I can. Thanks Priscilla for willing to be my personal banker ( as in save up for me :p). Even if I cant catch up for May class, Im very sure Ill graduate this year. I intended to keep connected to all cvians and we chat everyday still in our group chat :D 

What and where you are today is the reflection of your words, thoughts and actions you took years and months or even days ago. Thats one of the reason why everyday when rabbit wakes up she will spend a little bit of time talk to herself and set a clear direction. 

I have an awareness since three days ago. When I started to feel down , helpless, doubtful and complained alot, I shifted my focus to something greater in my life. I know this is not easy but I can do it and I must do it coz I am practising what I have learned. Sometimes I might be asking" OH NO!! what tools am I suppose to use now? In fact I am practising it . Its the growing pain. But things are going just fine and great. Be presence as I always say and be thankful!!!


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