Thursday, 30 August 2012

Are you ready to be REAL in love ?

Rabbit been asking around " What is in love? " " How do you know if your in love?"
Then my brother reminded me sth that I already knew but have forgotten "Again!". He said" Love is a very simple yet powerful feeling. There is no reason for you to love. You love because you wan to love. You give because you love. Its a very sweet and happy feeling. It doesnt make you sad or drain you. It makes you feel great all the time and as if your in the heaven.When your in love, you smile for no reason.  Why do you needa get upset with your relationship? Because if you do, then its not love. You live in fear. Do not make your relationship complicated because you both are connected by a very simple reason which is love . If it is complicate then its time to let go your fear." 
How to stay in love all the time ? Theres only one way which is self love. Love yourself first and connect deeply with you. This is what Mr. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote :
In every relationship there are two halves of that relationship. One is you, and the other is your son, your daughter, your father, your mother, your friends, your partner. Of those halves, you are only responsible for your half; you are not responsible for the other half. 
With the other half we can share, we can enjoy, we can create the most wonderful dream together. But the other half always has its own dream, its own will, and we can never control that dream no matter how hard we try. Then we have a choice: We can create a conflict and a war of control, or we can become a playmate and a team player. Playmates and team players play together, but not against each other. If you see your partnership, your romantic relationship , as a team, everything will start to improve. In a relationship, as in a game, it's not about winning or losing. You are playing because you want to have fun. 
Rabbit is 28 soon and this is the q i gona ask myself. Are you ready to be REAL in love ? 


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