Sunday, 5 February 2012

The truth

How true you are to  yourself? Do you ever asked yourself ?
I had a quick but deep talk to a friend last nite. She asked me heaps of questions but I hesitated before I answered. Why that happen ? Well that's because you care how other judge your answers. Sometimes you cant even answer a simple question such as Do you like him / Do you wana be with him/ What's your dream/ What are you actually pursuing now. Probably deep in your heart you have a firm answer but you just feel embarrassed to share it because you are unsure about hows the one involves think .
I'm true to myself  when it doesn't actually involve any parties such as whats my dream, what do i really like. However when it comes to relationship including love and friendship, my answer depends how much the other party think or want me. Isn't it silly? If I like you I should just express it but not depend on how much you actually like me. Even if you dun but I do then what's wrong for me to continue. Its not a crime to like someone. I encounter this since long time. I am close to friends who like me but once they dun like me I'll cut off the feeling immediately. When I'm in relationship, I'll stop my feeling if I can't feel the same. This isn't right. Guess I should be brave to face my own feeling and do not be fear so express the real side of me.


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