Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Why Rabbit Dun Read Newspaper

Guess What!! This is something that you could hardly see me doing!! LOL. Why is it so hard to catch me reading newspaper ? If you just knew me, then you might think that Im a lazy bug whose not interested in world news and do not like to upgrade myself.

Reason I dun read newspaper :
Im easily influenced by my surroundings so I avoid myself from reading sad disasters that happen everyday. I have no idea why theres always accidents, murders and affairs.

How to make me read:
Well simple!! Just make sure all the news fulfil social societal needs by promoting structured missions like charitable services, medical cares, humanity activites, environmental protection and etc. I believe, through all these, we are able to create a peaceful and healthy society and make the world a better place to live in.

So friends, do feel free to update me with social news and I really appreciate it (even tho its sad news :p )


Dib said...

Thats a damn nice skirt!

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