Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Rabbit At Home

Happy Tuesday everyone!! Hows your day been ? Mine is very busy doing some figure thingy which made me blur blur @.@ and the deadline is tomorrow. Till now I have not yet finish even half. Started to get nervous. Thats why now Im home working while blogging. Wana go Coffee Bean to have a cup of coffee (which normaly will make me dizzy) but im really too lazy to go out. Guess rabbit not in a good mood. I reckon when gals not in a mood, they like to stay in their sweet room with their toys  and blanket. Feel so manja. I think i miss the manja feeling. Sometimes how I wish I could be like a real rabbit been pampered and cared but knowing the fact that Im a grown up adult and I needa be mature and be independent. I really dislike the saying that Be independent and have your own time so that you can grow. Im old enough to grow and I dun wana grow!!! ( well of coz I do wana grow but I needa breathe sometimes) ,Me just a woman who needs lots and lots of attention and loves. Im not saying I need full attention but at least 10% a day ? Wonder whom Im targeting to. My softoys ?
Is it wrong to be manja or complain my days?
No wonder till now rabbit still cant find her "master". Probably she complains too much LOL
Anyway thanks all for reading my feeling. At least your listening. Not a very motivated one but at least make me feel good hehehe. Good nite everyone and sleep tight!!!